By Ari Nurman, Diding Sakri, Saeful Muluk
Poverty is not merely social-economic phenomena of a community such as low level of education, poor health condition or lack of purchase power. Moreover, poverty is also a matter of social-political phenomena. There are several factors accused to be the cause. One of them is a not-pro-poor political structure that is reflected by not pro-poor public policies: a less-participative planning and budgeting process, bad structure of government spending, and not transparent and not accountable procedures of public good and service provision and deliveries.
Much effort to improve local government policy instrument has been being directed towards a more pro-poor policy structure. In Bandung Regency, the implementation of reform to change the policy structure is conducted through enactment of local regulations that adopted the principles of good governance. Furthermore, the substance of those local regulations directed towards creating local government budget structure to be supportive to poverty alleviation efforts.
Currently, at least, there are four local regulations in Bandung Regency that in line with the objectives of poverty alleviation. Those are:
• Bupati decree Number 22 year 2002 on Annual Development Planning Mechanism in Bandung Regency
• Local Government Regulation (Perda/Peraturan Daerah) of Bandung Regency number 6 year 2004 on Transparency and Participation in Conduct of Government in Bandung Regency
• Local Government Regulation (Perda/Peraturan Daerah) of Bandung Regency number 8 year 2005 on The Procedures of Formulation of Local Development Planning
• Local Government Regulation (Perda/Peraturan Daerah) of Bandung Regency number 2 year 2006 on the Allocation of Village Equalization Fund
All of those local regulations were intended to increase participation, alleviate poverty, change budget structure towards a more efficient, transparent and accountable pro-poor budget, etc. But there is no assurance or guarantee on the impact of those regulations will result in:
• Affecting the structure of decision making process on planning and budgeting towards a more participative and accessible planning and budgeting for the poor.
• Changing the orientation of budget policies to support efforts in alleviating poverty.
• Forcing local government to be more transparent and accountable.
This study examines both concept and implementation of the above-mentioned local regulations. We employed content analysis to analyze the concept. Meanwhile to examine the implementation, we will use and analyze cases of implementation.
At the end of this study, we found that In general, those analized regulation is consistent with the aim to aleviate poverty. Those regulations provide foundations towards a better structure of public policy. However, the problem now is in the implementation of those regulations. We still need more time to see the correct implementation. It is depend on the capacity and the willilingness of all stakeholders.
Regarding the results of our study, we recommend stakeholders to have a better implementation, particularly the government officials. In addition, if necessary, enforce law on the violation of those regulations. We also recommend citizens and mass media to perform continuous monitoring on the implementation of those mentioned regulation. We propose the need to enhance the capacity of local government and citizens, particularly in the implementation and monitoring of those regulations.
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Poverty is not merely social-economic phenomena of a community such as low level of education, poor health condition or lack of purchase power. Moreover, poverty is also a matter of social-political phenomena. There are several factors accused to be the cause. One of them is a not-pro-poor political structure that is reflected by not pro-poor public policies: a less-participative planning and budgeting process, bad structure of government spending, and not transparent and not accountable procedures of public good and service provision and deliveries.
Much effort to improve local government policy instrument has been being directed towards a more pro-poor policy structure. In Bandung Regency, the implementation of reform to change the policy structure is conducted through enactment of local regulations that adopted the principles of good governance. Furthermore, the substance of those local regulations directed towards creating local government budget structure to be supportive to poverty alleviation efforts.
Currently, at least, there are four local regulations in Bandung Regency that in line with the objectives of poverty alleviation. Those are:
- Bupati decree Number 22 year 2002 on Annual Development Planning Mechanism in Bandung Regency.
- Local Government Regulation (Perda/Peraturan Daerah) of Bandung Regency number 6 year 2004 on Transparency and Participation in Conduct of Government in Bandung Regency.
- Local Government Regulation (Perda/Peraturan Daerah) of Bandung Regency number 8 year 2005 on The Procedures of Formulation of Local Development Planning.
- Local Government Regulation (Perda/Peraturan Daerah) of Bandung Regency number 2 year 2006 on the Allocation of Village Equalization Fund.
All of those local regulations were intended to increase participation, alleviate poverty, change budget structure towards a more efficient, transparent and accountable pro-poor budget, etc. But there is no assurance or guarantee on the impact of those regulations will result in:
- Affecting the structure of decision making process on planning and budgeting towards a more participative and accessible planning and budgeting for the poor.
- Changing the orientation of budget policies to support efforts in alleviating poverty.
- Forcing local government to be more transparent and accountable.
This study examines both concept and implementation of the above-mentioned local regulations. We employed content analysis to analyze the concept. Meanwhile to examine the implementation, we will use and analyze cases of implementation.
At the end of this study, we found that In general, those analized regulation is consistent with the aim to aleviate poverty. Those regulations provide foundations towards a better structure of public policy. However, the problem now is in the implementation of those regulations. We still need more time to see the correct implementation. It is depend on the capacity and the willilingness of all stakeholders.
Regarding the results of our study, we recommend stakeholders to have a better implementation, particularly the government officials. In addition, if necessary, enforce law on the violation of those regulations. We also recommend citizens and mass media to perform continuous monitoring on the implementation of those mentioned regulation. We propose the need to enhance the capacity of local government and citizens, particularly in the implementation and monitoring of those regulations.
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